
Yogischer Werdegang


Just be. YOGA & WELL|BE|ING Regensburg

HeilRaum Naturheilpraxis Regensburg


Therapeutisches Yoga zur Trauma-Bewältigung
Ausbildung bei Arielle Schwartz, 12 Stunden, Polyvagal Akademie


Deepening Into Therapeutic Yoga – Level II
Ausbildung bei Cheri Clampett und Arturo Peal, 40 Stunden


Cacao Ceremony Training
Ausbildung bei Cacao Mama


Yin Yoga
Ausbildung bei Ram Jain, 50 Stunden, Arhanta Yoga Ashrams


Ashtanga Yoga Intensive – Yoga Therapy
Ausbildung bei Manju Jois, 25 Stunden, Ashtanga Yoga Berlin

2012 – 2017

BB Yoga Flow, Yoga Studio, Placencia

  • Gründerin und Hauptlehrerin
  • Yogalehrerin für Gruppen und Privatpersonen (Erwachsene sowie Kinder)
  • Yogastile: Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Restoratives Yoga, Partner Yoga, Kinderyoga
  • Yogatagesausflüge und Yogaworkshops
  • Yoga Vorführungen
  • Reiki Behandlungen
  • Thai Yoga Massagen
  • Yoga Fotografie


Hauptausbilderin einer Yogalehrerausbildung in Placencia (Yoga Alliance 200 Stunden) für Om Shanti Belize



Fortgeschrittene Yogalehrerausbildung 
bei Bhooma Chaitanaya, 300 Stunden, Aarsha Yoga Vidya Peetham, Panmana Ashram, Indien


Therapeutisches Yoga
Ausbildung bei Cheri Clampett, 40 Stunden, White Lotus Foundation, Santa Barbara, USA


  • Yogalehrerausbildung
    bei Ganga White, Tracey Rich, Kent Bond und Sven Holcomb, 200 Stunden, White Lotus Foundation, Santa Barbara, USA
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
    Lehrerausbildung bei Basia Lipska-Larsen, 100 Stunden, Warschau, Polen
  • Kinderyogalehrerausbildung 
    bei Thomas Bannenberg, KinderYoga-Akademie (Grundausbildung sowie Fortbildung zur Gewaltfreien Kommunikation), Düsseldorf/München

2008 – jetzt

diverse Workshops und Fortbildungen bei international und national anerkannten Lehrern diverser Yogarichtungen (z.B. David Swenson, Govinda Kai, Kino MacGregor, Kerstin Portscher, Sylwia Stefanowicz, Ewa Markowska, Jaen Dev Hari Kaur, Barbra Noh, Yrser Ra Hotep, Andreas Loh, Chandana Bhowmick, Saraswathi Jois, Alexandra Santos, Christian Graham, Ethan Ward, Maarit Nevanperä, Alexey Gaevskij, Isabelle Bartmann, Manju Jois, Gregor Maehle, Leslie Kaminoff) sowie ausgedehnte Indien-Aufenthalte in den Jahren 2015, 2016 und 2017


2005 – 2012

NOERR Rechtsanwaltskanzlei, Warschau, Polen
Rechtsanwältin / Local Partner

1996 – 2005

Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Uni Regensburg
Promotion an der Uni Regensburg bei Prof. Dr. Manssen
Referendariat am OLG München


„Agnes ist eine unglaublich vielseitige Yogalehrerin für jedes Yogalevel. Sie ist mal sanft und tief, kann aber auch mit viel Power und herausfordernd die Asanas mit ihren Teilnehmern praktizieren. Jede Yogastunde mit ihr ist ein Gewinn, sowohl körperlich, als auch, um wieder in seine Mitte zu finden. Die Energie, die sie gibt, ist unglaublich wohltuend! Tausend Dank!“


„Beim Yoga Bliss bringt Agnes einen so richtig in die Entspannung! Sei es durch ihre Fantasiereisen, die höchst professionelle Anleitung in die Übung oder die Erklärungen, welche sie gibt. Einfach nur empfehlenswert.“


„Agnes ist eine meiner liebsten Yogalehrerinnen! Sie macht jede Stunde sehr abwechslungsreich, sodass sie jedesmal wie im Flug vergehen! Außerdem ist es nie zu anspruchsvoll oder anspruchslos, sondern immer genau richtig! Alles in allem gefällt es mir jedesmal sehr gut, wenn ich eine Yogastunde bei Agnes besuche, weil man merkt, wieviel Mühe und Liebe sie hineinsteckt!“


„Phantasievoll, spielend und erlebnisreich führte uns Agnes durch das Kinderyoga. Meinem Sohn und mir hat es super gefallen! Ein schönes gemeinsames Erlebnis.“


„Agnes was my first yoga teacher. She introduced me to the practice with which I soon after fell in love. Her true yogi spirit, both on and off the mat, resonated in her classes. I clearly saw the benefits, both physical and mental. As tough as some classes may have been, they were always enjoyable and flowed smoothly. Her adjustments were always gentle and her experience and training in Thai massage was definitely a bonus! The years that I was able to practice with her were a true blessing and I wholeheartedly recommend her.“


„To any prospective student of Agnes Balawejder-Busch: You are in luck. In a world that is increasingly saturated with yoga teachers, you have found your way to one that is both competent and compassionate. Why is this important? Yoga is not only a physical practice, but one with the aim of first focusing the mind by using the body, and once there, beginning the process of internal inquiry. Competence is important in order to begin and carry on the physical aspect of the practice safely and efficiently. Compassion is important because yoga without love and devotion is just shitty gymnastics. It is also important that the teacher embody the positive values that she is aiming to impart. Agnes is competent, compassionate, and an exemplar of yogic values. As a student who spent long days with her during teacher training in 2017 I can attest to her passion and enthusiasm for the practice of yoga, and to the joy she takes in watching her students grow. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from an authentic teacher!!“


„Agnes is definitely a blessing for anybody who is looking to start a yoga practice or for somebody who needs a guide and mentor in deepening their yoga practice. I had the honor to be one of Agnes’ students in Belize for about 3 years. Agnes’ classes have something for everybody, no matter if is was her Gentle Flow class, Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga, Restorative Yoga, and more, there was always something that I walked away with that I didn’t have before, more of myself! I was lucky enough to do my 200 hr teacher training with Agnes being my instructor and that really prepared me for my own personal practice and of course, to share the love of yoga. I highly recommend Agnes and if you are so lucky to have her in your area please go attend her classes, you will be a better person for it!“


„During October 1994 I was involved in a boat accident in Belize which resulted in damage to my spinal cord. I spent one year in the U.S. in hospitals and rehabilitation centers to recover and have therapy to recover mobility. After returning to Belize and as I aged I needed continued therapy to keep my mobility and reduce pain. Therapists are difficult to find in Belize and expensive to travel to. Agnes was a godsend and practiced therapeutic yoga with me from 2013 to 2017. I was able to regain much needed mobility and was able to walk longer distances without pain. When I had decided to replace my left knee she had researched the procedure and trained with me to prepare for surgery. The day after the surgery a range of motion machine was used by the hospital to start my therapy and I was able to extend the full range of the machine because of our preparation. We had also practiced Thai Yoga Massage and Reiki which I was amazed as to how well it worked between us. Agnes is my miracle worker.“


„I was lucky to attend the studio Agnes owned in Placencia, Belize where she offered classes to meet all levels. Her restorative yoga classes and Thai Yoga Massage sessions were two of my personal favorites but all her sessions were infused with her thoughtful, kind energy. She left a lasting impression in Placencia as she influenced others to pursue training in yoga instruction and are carrying on in her tradition. Both Agnes and I left Belize several years ago but when I heard she and one of her protégés was offering an intensive yoga week-end retreat in Belize, I hopped on a plane from the US. As I expected, it was a wonderful experience. I would follow Agnes anywhere.“


„When I first met Agnes, I could tell by her warm vibes that she was going to be an exceptional yoga instructor. I was not wrong. I had the privilege of being a student of Agnes’s for 4 years, from her first yoga class to her last yoga class in Placencia. I had dabbled in yoga for decades prior but it really was just exercise to me. It was within the lessons from Agnes that I finally found the essence of yoga. Agnes is a beautiful soul that will kindle the love of yoga in you. If you ever have a chance to take a class with her, do not hesitate. It certainly made a difference in my life.“ 
